The Manchaca Fire/Rescue fleet is a variety of apparatus (8 vehicles total) that have a wide range of capabilities that we need in order to fulfill our mission.
Numbers speak everything
Fire Truck Cost
Average Response Time
2023 Call Volume
Engine 501
Engine 501 is a 2022 Spartan Pumper with 750 gallons of water and 30 gallons of foam. It was purchased in September of 2022. It can seat up to 5 firefighters and carries the “jaws of life” as well as a variety of specialty tools.

Engine 511
Engine 511 is a 2019 Sutphen Monarch Pumper/Tender. It has a 1500 gpm pump and 3000 gallon water tank. It carries all the tools and equipment of an engine like Engine 501. It’s capabilities as a tender allows it serve as the primary water supply in areas that lack adequate fire hydrant coverage or it can shuttle large amounts of water to a scene to sustain firefighting operations.
Tender 501
Tender 501 is a 2022 Spartan Tanker that can transport up to 3000 gallons of water to a scene. It is also a pumping apparatus and can seat 2 firefighters.

Brush 501
This unit is built for off road grass and brush fires and has 400gallons of water and has a remote nozzle turret to assist with firefighting operations. This unit is heavy duty and is built to endure extreme off road conditions.
Battalion 501
This command vehicle provides a command element to any emergency incident. It provides an incident commander the tools and equipment to effectively command an emergency incident safely.

Support Truck & Trailer
